225 Orange Avenue

Coronado, California

This residential building was built in 1963 in Coronado, California. During this time, replication of prototypical residential buildings was common. As a result, neighborhood character or livability issues were not considered. The windowless building façade and stark appearance was uncharacteristic of this traditional neighborhood. The City of Coronado acquired these six townhomes as affordable housing but soon realized the design shortcomings and the eyesore they had become.


It was imperative to restore the neighborhood and develop strategies for the renewing the building.  San Diego Interfaith Housing Foundation, a non-profit developer, along with Rodriguez Associates Architects& Planners were chosen for the renovation and restoration. The first step was to redesign street and alley facades with new windows, porches, balconies and front doors.  It was important that the building restored a presence along Orange Avenue with new windows and doors.  A wood picket fence greets the visitor and establishes the first point of transition. A townhome front door was relocated to face the street.  A large porch was added to the front yard serving as a second transition.  Side yard entries are linked to the front yard with a brick walk and archway. Similar design concepts activate the alley with a new pedestrian walk, balcony and windows. Human connections to the community were essential.  


The renovation recalls a Craftsman style, which is very prominent in Coronado.   This architecture compliments established homes and is reminiscent of the city’s history. The townhomes were renovated with smart growth and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design principals. New green materials and communication technologies were installed. The emphasis on new doors, windows, balconies and porches create natural surveillance and promote ownership of outdoor spaces, improving neighborhood security.  Overall, the project has restored a lost part of city to the citizens of Coronado and enhanced the street scene along Orange Avenue.

Coronado Interfaith Housing Corporation

Coronado, CA

affordable Apartments

0.16 Acres

0.93 U/A

6 Units